So I've been working creating my own community site, heavily inspired by Reddit and with a name derived from it. I think it's the "super" Reddit which is why I call it Superit (
(old version
This is a blog of the first main version.
It started last summer (2012) when I was thinking about a dating site which would incorporate a process were the users would validate each others profile pictures and presentations.
For example, to be validated a majority of three votes would be required. But to sort out users that don't vote responsible the votes are reviewed afterwards. If the validation was positive, those who voted positive gains a good rating, and those who voted negative (in opposite of the outcome) would gain a bad rating. Those with too lousy rating would be banned from validating.
This idea of a Process were users review all new content on the site is something Reddit really needs since the pages for new content are a mess (in bigger subreddits). It might work with small subreddits, but since Reddit grows it'll become a bigger issue.Tags
Instead of using subreddits, Superit is using Tags. All content that are submitted to Superit might be tagged and a user may favorite tags and view content with those tags only.Tags are also validated in the process. So, when a submitted content with some tags are validated in the process, a user validates the content and each tag separately. This means that the submitted content might be validated but not all tags. To make sure the users are serious, their voting is reviewed then all voting is concluded for a submission.
For example, if content with two tags has been reviewed in the process and the content and one tag was approved, Those users that voted positive on the approved content and tag gets a positive ratio and vice-versa for those voted negative. This works also the the rejected tag. Those voted negative for the rejected tag was right and gets a positive ratio, and vice-versa for those voted positive for the rejected tag.As a special feature tags include rules of how they are validated in the process: Threshold, sample size and acceptance ratio.
- Threshold, the number of votes which is needed for the tag to be validated or disprove
- Sample Size, the number of votes from a users which are required before a user's votes for that tag is validated (see next)
- Acceptance Ratio (in %), the ratio which a user need to uphold to be able to use the tag and vote on it in the process.
The last one, acceptance ratio is interesting since it determines how "serious" the users needs to be. If it's set to 100%, the users needs to be correct in each validation in the process (vote positive on content/tag which are accepted and vote negative on content/tag which are negated).
Since I've been on Reddit a few years and subscribing to ShitRedditSays I also understood that the upvote and downvote are good, but it can be hard to understand what they mean. Especially sarcasm and irony but also if a comment is upvoted because of strong opinion or fact-based. The solution is simple, add more votes!My conclusion was that there needs to be a generalized vote pair I call Yay and Nay, a humorist vote pair I call Funny counter Offensive and a pair for serious discussion Fact counter Opinion. In this way most of Internets confused discussions would become clearer.
The Work so Far
From october 2012 to august 2013 I've been working on Superit in my spare time and contains the main features which are unique for Superit:
- Process, were the users validates all new content
- The validation includes validation of tags which sorts out which tags are approved for the content
- All user votes are reviewed and users might be banned to use and vote on tags
- Negated content are discarded and will not appear on Superit.
- Six different votes
- Votes are not calculated to "internet points" but the two biggest groups of voting types are shown as amounts (%)
Other Features
Superit has a lot of common features:
- Comments for each Post of content
- Each comment has the same six votes as the post (yay, nay, funny, offensive, fact and opinion)
- It's not required to be logged in to use Superit in any way!
- User profile page with statistics (even those not logged in)
- Google and Facebook log in for a persistent user profile
- Creativity page for people that want to contribute to Superit
- Translations are easily made for anyone
- Themes with styling of the page is easy to create
- Engage page for users to have their opinion
- I think it's important for users to be able to express their opinions and this page contains a lot of different questions and forms for the users to fill in and express theme self
Superit v.2
As of today Superit lacks both users and content. If, and only if, Superit grows a new version will be made with more tools for the users. This is not created today since it takes a lot of time and isn't required yet.
- Today's hottest/funniest comment will be listed
- User achievement list
- Sorting of posts and comments
- Sharing functions for Google and Facebook users
Features in Detail
There'll be more blogs on how Superit works. Like, the process will be explained more in detail and so on.