
Google Endpoints + Objectify + Scala + Scala JS + Auth0

Finally created a project with the following combination

  • Google Endpoints with Google App Engine
  • Objectify as abstract layer of the Datastore
  • Custom Auth0 authenticator for Google Endpoints
  • Scala backend
  • Scala JS to share logic between backend and frontend
You can find the project here:


Objectify and Scala

Objectify and Scala

There are some learning steps to combine Objectify with Scala. One interesting piece of code is Objectify's:
It's not possible to type "type" or "class" in Scala. The first one needs to be escaped and the other have a predefined function:

Scala Example

You can find a complete example here:


Google App Engine + Scala + ScalaJS + Objectify

Created a single Maven project combining Google App Engine, Scala, ScalaJS and Objectify.


A Scala implementation of Filter using Objectify, a separate source directory for ScalaJS which is generating JavaScript with SBT.


Google Endpoints + Objectify

Created a small project combining Google Endpoints with Objectify. Added page with a simple JavaScript introduction.


There is a small sample for creating some data and getting it.


As a sample, it's possible to create three different entities
  • EntityId, with POST, creates a new id
  • EntityData, with POST
  • EntityPrimitives, with POST
When posting an EntityId, the response will be its new id.
When posting an EntityData or EntityPrimitives, use the same id as EntityId.


To get each type, there's a GET path like
To get the EntityId and all children with the same id, it's possible to use