
Migration from Google App Engine to Flexible Environment


Google App Engine is great since it's reliable and have tons of services free to use. Compared to a platform like Heruko, you get search, database, image and other services for free. But as a javaite, it's unfortunate that it only supports Java 7. The only way to move forward is to migrate to Flexible Environment. But be aware, not all services can migrate!

Start: App Engine

Let's start with a simple App Engine Maven project and then migrate it.


Use the following guide to install Java 7 SDK and Maven.

Create Artifact

Use Maven to create the simple appengine skeleton artifact.
  1. Run
    $ mvn archetype:generate -Dappengine-version=1.9.38 -Dapplication-id=whatever -Dfilter=com.google.appengine.archetypes:
  2. Select "1"
    1: remote -> com.google.appengine.archetypes:appengine-skeleton-archetype (A skeleton application with Google App Engine)
  3. Select "6"
    6: 2.1.0-1.9.38
  4. Enter group id (same as your Java package name for the project)
    Define value for property 'groupId':
  5. Enter your name for your project
    Define value for property 'artifactId': :
  6. Enter first version
    Define value for property 'version':  1.0-SNAPSHOT:
  7. Enter Java package (same as group id)
    Define value for property 'package':
  8. Enter gcloud version (find latest here)
    Define value for property 'gcloud-version':
  9. Confirm your selection
Maven have now created an App Engine project in a subfolder. Start it with $ mvn appengine:devserver
Notice the layout and the few files needed.
Simple layout with few files

Migration: Flexible Environment

Let's go for Flexible Environment and Java 8!


  • Install Java 8 SDK and never look back!
    Note: that App Engine uses Jetty which need Java 7 to work with JSP. If you install Java 8 it will be difficult for you to run your old App Engine projects.
  • Install Google Cloud SDK. Make sure Python is on path after installation!
  • Install the app-engine component to GCloud
    gcloud components install app-engine-java


Follow the steps in the following guide.
  1. Add the following line in appengine-web.xml
  2. Add the following two plugins in pom.xml.
    1. The first one to be able to run with GCloud maven goals
    2. And the second to set Java 8 compilation.
  3. <plugin>
  4.       <plugin>
  5. Run with
  6. $ mvn gcloud:run


Google Flexible Environment with Virtual Scala JS Compiler

Google Flexible Environment with Virtual Scala JS Compiler

After several months I managed to translate Scala JS Fiddle to Google Java Flexible Environment 


To create a project with Scala backend which generates JavaScript in a virtual compiler.

Live Demo

The live demo uses a Scala Servlet to generate HTML (Scala Tags) with a JavaScript. A second Scala Servlet is responding to "/javascript.js" and is using a virtual compiler to compile a String with simple Scala JS code to a JavaScript


It's a Maven project using Google Flexible "Compat" Environment which includes some App Engine features (not used) and Java 8 with Servlet API 3.1.


Check out my Github


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