
2 recorded wins using Art of Camping (Diamond IV)

2 Recorded Wins Using Art of Camping 

You can read about the tactics here.

1 Win

  1. 0:00-05:00 Going for the farm north east (I2). There is usually no players there and it's easy to loot.
  2. The first circle isn't too far away. I calculate it's about 3 squares away and takes 6 minutes. The first gas is spreading for 5 minutes so I need to go 1 min before it starts.
  3. I need to cross plains which is dangerous since there is often cars "sharking" and looking for a kill. But I was lucky and could advance north and far away from the center.
  4. 15:00-20:00 I stay at Dragon Lake (E3) and hear some gun shoots.
  5. 20:00-25:00 The final is at Harris Ridge (D3) and I advance from north, going around the mountain on the north side, again far from the center.
  6. 30:00 I don't spot the last player and advance to top corner of gas. But finally I spot a car, make cover with smoke and throw grenades. My opponent is hiding behind a hill and I charge with shotgun winning!

2 Win

  1. 03:00-05:00 Looting at far south west at the farm (B9). This is a safe place but far away.
  2. 06:00-14:00 The first circle is far away, about 4 squares, and luckily I find a car, otherwise I would need to run for about 8 minutes (2 minutes per square)! I drive on the south side of Runamok River to avoid players and then north to the church at Humberdink Reserve (J6).
  3. 14:00-26:00 I ditch the car to advance quietly.
  4. 27:00-31:00 There is some fighting and I advance to the far away north part of the final circles.
  5. 31:00-33:00 The last player have a car and I hide until the car drives by me to shoot at it in the passing. I use smoke grenade to cover me when I change position. finally I charge the car is burning and the player is moving out. I throw smoke grenade to advance the get shoot at. Finally the other player is hiding behind a rock and I win by throwing hand grenades!